Flexible Fit Job Opportunities

FlexJobs.com is a great site for anyone looking for a more flexible position. You can even work from home, share a job with another person or have an atypical schedule.

Free Career Counseling At The library

If you are a recent college graduate, about to make a career change, or reentering the job market an appointment with our career counselor might help set you on the right path. Career Counselor MaryAnn Verdolino can assist you with your resume, give you direction on a new career path and help you navigate the ever-changing world of job searching. Call the Reference Desk for an appointment at (631)757-4200.

Make Yourself Hireable!

These days, like it or not, LinkedIn is an extremely valuable tool in the professional world, especially when you’re searching for a job. If your profile isn’t current, or if your picture is fuzzy and irrelevant (like a really cool filtered vacation photo of you in sunglasses), you could be ruining your chances of landing a new gig.

5 Brand New TED Talks That Will Inspire You to Do Better Work This Year

TED talks can inspire you to do your best work. Now that the 2016 TED Conference has wrapped up last month, see what the folks there have put together as some of the best talks they've hosted recently online. Here a few to get you off to a great start!

What Can I Do With This Major?

Are you wondering what to do now that you have graduated from college? Even if you have been out of school for a while, this helpful website can direct you towards a career path you might not have thought about. Click here and find out what the future has in store for you!

Career Help using Lynda.com

Lynda.com - An online video tutorials service will show you how to acquire new skills and advance your career today. Get started now!
  • Learn how you can create a cover letter and resume
  • Dress for success and make a great first impression
  • Ace your interview